The New Blogger’s Dilemma: Time Management and Finding My Voice

The blog’s alive and kicking. I’ve thrown up the first few bits I had ready, and now I’m kinda like, “Okay, what next?” Writing’s not really my thing, nor is pulling new ideas out of nowhere unless I’ve actually got something to talk about. So, I’ve been mulling over what to do next for the last few days.

I’ve got a ton of stuff bouncing around in my head—ideas, projects I wanna bring to life and share on the blog.

But, here’s the thing: two big worries have been nagging at me.

First off, there’s never enough time for all the cool stuff I wanna do, yet here I am, wanting to do it all.

Second, I guess this is pretty normal, right? This must be what happens when you dive into something new. You start digging into the how-tos, like writing blogs, managing sites, and you end up on YouTube looking for tips. And bam, you’re hit with all those clickbait videos promising you’ll go from zero to 100k followers just like that. You click on one, and suddenly, you’re down the rabbit hole, bombarded with a million “quick fixes” and making-money-fast schemes, each one the “right way,” according to every guru out there.

I got sucked into that vortex too, flipping from one video to the next, thinking, “Oh, this is it!” and then, “Nope, this one’s better,” for like two days. But then, it hit me—I need to keep it simple.

So, why did I start this Journey blog again?

Oh yeah, to track my ups and downs, my wins, and my not-so-great moments.

But who’s it for? Mainly, it’s for me to look back on, then for my kids, and anyone else who might dig learning from my rollercoaster ride. I’ve always wanted to see someone else’s raw, real deal journey through this whole blogging gig, finding their way, sticking to it. So, guess I’m that guy now.

After stepping back to clear my head, I realized binge-watching YouTube was just me dodging the real work—stuff I’ve already got in mind and should be doing. So, I cut out the noise. Here’s what I did next:

1. Gave myself a week to really dive in.

2. Blocked out daily time slots dedicated to this project.

3. Decided what I’d tackle in those time slots.

4. Stopped overthinking and started cracking on this week’s to-do list.

This week’s hit list includes:

a. Knocking out at least one blog post for My Journey (yup, doing that right now).

b. Finishing up this half-baked online course I’ve been piecing together on using ChatGPT to whip Excel into shape.

Setting up these time blocks and jotting down my game plan seems to be paying off so far. Whether I ticked off both items on the list, well, you’ll find out by week’s end.

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