Embarking on an AI Adventure: My Journey from Finance to Tech with No Programming Background

Have you ever stumbled upon something absolutely fantastic and wondered why you haven’t been using it all along? That’s exactly what happened to me with large language models, like ChatGPT. Just a year ago, I was like many others—casually reading up on these technologies in the news, then moving on with my day. But now, I’ve taken the plunge and decided to explore the incredible potential of these tools, and I’m excited to share this journey with you.

Why did it take me so long to start? Well, I wasn’t sure how I, a finance professional with no tech background, could make use of such an advanced tool. I’m not a developer, nor am I a content creator. What use would I have for something as sophisticated as ChatGPT? But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that not using it was a missed opportunity—especially since it’s free!

Occasionally, I’d have a burst of inspiration—think a new app or some innovative software. I’d jot these ideas down, thinking maybe one day I’d outsource them to someone who could bring them to life. But after diving into my first course on how to interact with ChatGPT, I realized the sky’s the limit. There’s virtually no end to what you can achieve with a bit of creativity and persistence.

So, in January 2024, I began. My initial projects range from crafting macros that simplify tasks at my finance job, to attempting to build apps and websites. Sure, not everything works out perfectly. Sometimes things fall apart, but with every attempt, I learn what to do and, importantly, what not to do.

Why am I documenting this journey? Honestly, I’m not entirely sure yet. Perhaps it’s to look back a year from now to see how far I’ve come. Or maybe the reasons will reveal themselves in time.

As for how I’ll share these experiences? That’s still up in the air. The idea to document my path just popped into my head one day, and here I am, typing away. I plan to figure it out as I go, posting about each new project—success or flop—and sharing every insight.

So, here we begin. Join me as I navigate the exciting and often unpredictable world of AI, right from the novice starting line. Who knows what we might discover together?

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