Sharing my hobby projects

Streamlining My Process: A Custom GPT App for Extracting Text from Images

In this blog, I will share another of my journey of learning LLMs through hands-on practice. This is the latest entry in my series where I explore the power of AI and how it can be leveraged to streamline workflows and increase productivity. The Idea of “Working on the System” As someone always looking to …

Streamlining My Process: A Custom GPT App for Extracting Text from Images Read More »

Discovering the Root Cause of Emotions Through Journaling: An Introduction to my first web App

Ever felt like your emotions are running the show without your permission? We’ve all been there. Sometimes, figuring out why we feel a certain way is harder than it should be. That’s where our new journaling app comes in, using the tried-and-true Five Whys technique to help you dig deep and get to the bottom …

Discovering the Root Cause of Emotions Through Journaling: An Introduction to my first web App Read More »

Navigating the App Development Process with ChatGPT: A Step-by-Step Guide by a first timer

Creating a simple, user-friendly app from scratch can be a daunting task, especially without a coding background. Fortunately, with the help of ChatGPT, I embarked on this journey to develop a Windows app tailored to my daily task tracking needs, without requiring administrative rights for use. Why i created the app ? read my blog …

Navigating the App Development Process with ChatGPT: A Step-by-Step Guide by a first timer Read More »