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Streamlining My Process: A Custom GPT App for Extracting Text from Images

In this blog, I will share another of my journey of learning LLMs through hands-on practice. This is the latest entry in my series where I explore the power of AI and how it can be leveraged to streamline workflows and increase productivity. The Idea of “Working on the System” As someone always looking to …

Streamlining My Process: A Custom GPT App for Extracting Text from Images Read More »

The Lost Art of Focus: Reclaiming Your Mind in a World That Wants It

Remember when you could read a book for hours without checking your phone? Or when you’d work on a project and suddenly it was dinnertime? That wasn’t luck. That was focus. And it’s becoming as rare as a VCR in 2024. Why? Because our brains are under siege. Your phone buzzes, your inbox overflows, and …

The Lost Art of Focus: Reclaiming Your Mind in a World That Wants It Read More »

Develop Unstoppable Willpower: Science-Backed Tips to Stay Disciplined

What’s Up with Willpower? We’ve all experienced that scenario – you wake up feeling super motivated to crush your goals for the day. You resist that morning latte, power through some work, and stick to your meal plan. But by evening, all bets are off. The willpower reserves have been tapped, and suddenly you’re binging …

Develop Unstoppable Willpower: Science-Backed Tips to Stay Disciplined Read More »

Discovering the Root Cause of Emotions Through Journaling: An Introduction to my first web App

Ever felt like your emotions are running the show without your permission? We’ve all been there. Sometimes, figuring out why we feel a certain way is harder than it should be. That’s where our new journaling app comes in, using the tried-and-true Five Whys technique to help you dig deep and get to the bottom …

Discovering the Root Cause of Emotions Through Journaling: An Introduction to my first web App Read More »

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Step-by-Step: Creating Your First Email List and Lead Magnet from a Blog

Embark on a surprising journey from a dormant Medium blog to a thriving email list in this enlightening post! I’ll unveil how unexpected blog statistics inspired me to explore the world of email marketing. Delve into the essentials of crafting an effective landing page and designing a compelling lead magnet. Drawing from my firsthand experiences, I provide practical insights on converting blog readers into engaged subscribers. Whether you’re a budding blogger or a curious learner, this post will equip you with the tools to connect directly with your audience and create your own subscriber community.

How to Optimize ChatGPT Responses for Specific Tasks: A Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to a quick yet insightful entry in my blogging journey. Today’s blog will focus on a practical tip I discovered while creating my online course. This strategy is particularly useful for tailoring ChatGPT’s output to specific needs, enhancing the efficiency and relevance of its responses. Tailoring ChatGPT to Meet Specific Requirements During the development …

How to Optimize ChatGPT Responses for Specific Tasks: A Beginner’s Guide Read More »

A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Courses with ChatGPT a beginner’s guide for beginners

Welcome back to the second installment of my blog on sharing the insights and learnings from creating my first online course! Previously, I discussed the various technical tools and free resources I utilized for content recording and editing. Today, I’m excited to delve into how i used ChatGPT for the content creation process for my …

A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Courses with ChatGPT a beginner’s guide for beginners Read More »

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Ultimate Guide to Creating an Online Course: Recording, Editing, and Enhancing by a beginner for beginners

Embarking on a Journey of Online Course Creation with ChatGPT As I’ve mentioned in my previous posts, my journey of “learning by doing” has taken a new turn with the development of an online course focused on automating Excel tasks using ChatGPT. As a finance professional, it felt natural to blend my expertise with the …

Ultimate Guide to Creating an Online Course: Recording, Editing, and Enhancing by a beginner for beginners Read More »

Navigating the App Development Process with ChatGPT: A Step-by-Step Guide by a first timer

Creating a simple, user-friendly app from scratch can be a daunting task, especially without a coding background. Fortunately, with the help of ChatGPT, I embarked on this journey to develop a Windows app tailored to my daily task tracking needs, without requiring administrative rights for use. Why i created the app ? read my blog …

Navigating the App Development Process with ChatGPT: A Step-by-Step Guide by a first timer Read More »